Daily Archives: June 15, 2015

the answer to it all


I climbed a high mountain to ask an old sage
the meaning of it all and of life my kind sir
he looked inside and smiled and said
the answer is simple my seeker friend

the answer can be found on the warm summer breeze
that floats butterflys and dragon-winged insects about

the answer and meaning are children playing in the sun
with their faithful dog slobbering behind them as they run

the truth is in every smile you see
every gaze you meet
each kind word spoken

the meaning the meaning is in a lovers embrace
that one moment that can fill an eternity

the answer to it all is unknowable
but look inside yourself and it eternally abides

the truth of it all is the love for the Creator
and the Creators love for us to hold the center together


flashback number 369 and thoughts of a rainy day


I turn in circles looking
on the floor for a memory
I had just a moment before
I twist and I bend as I fold
into myself like some demented
origami sculpture on a granite shelf
At last crumpling to dust
fallen on the floor to be
to be swept up and collected
thrown away into my favorite
trash can I keep in the kitchen

thoughts of a rainy day (c)2015d

what is that moment


what is that moment of creation
moment of madness and magic
that occurs upon putting pen to paper
to write with no aforethought
words flowing unbidden suddenly

where is that inscrutable moment
when words become alive on paper
and set the mind on fire in the nights
that intangible moment when my thoughts
become one with yours as you read the words
as though you knew them all along
each of us singing along to words
we always knew all along in the songs sang

dlj2015 (c)